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"Pray and work for souls"

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The Sacraments

It is important that you know whether you have Sanctifying Grace in your soul or not.  It is something you cannot afford to be uncertain about.  Grace, however, is absolutely spiritual.  You cannot feel it or experience it with any of the five senses.  A religious feeling does not indicate that presence of Sanctifying Grace in the soul.  Therefore, Jesus Christ had to give us some signs which would indicate that Grace is going into the soul.  He had to give us signs that we could see, feel, hear or experience with some of the five senses. As a matter of fact, He gave us seven such signs by which we could know that we are receiving Grace. These signs are the seven Sacraments.

The Sacraments are another indication of how much God loves you and how interested He is in you.  In studying the Sacraments, you will realize keenly how much non-Catholics have missed in life, as the wonders of God's loving care are unfolded before your eyes.


Through Baptism, our sins are washed away, Sanctifying Grace first enters our soul, and we are able to receive the other Sacraments.


Confirmation strengthens our commitment to be loyal followers of Jesus Christ.


We should repeatedly use the Sacrament of Penance to ask Our Lord for forgiveness, and to receive the extra graces we need to resist temptation.

Holy Eucharist

The Holy Eucharist is the Sacrament in which Jesus Christ is really and physically present under the appearances of bread and wine.

  • This article is offered by Our Lady of the Rosary Library True Stories of Eucharistic Miracles -- This brochure contains four incredible Eucharistic miracles that will help increase the awe and reverence due to Our Lord, Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity, in this blessed Sacrament.

Extreme Unction

Extreme Unction gives strength to both the body and the soul of the sick and dying.

Holy Orders

Through Holy Orders, men receive the powers of the Catholic Priesthood.


Matrimony is the Sacrament made by Jesus Christ to sanctify (make holy) the lawful union of a Christian man and a Christian woman.