Vowels |
Speech Element | Pronunciation | Examples |
a | as in calm | ad, mater |
e | as a in fate | me, video |
i | as in machine | qui, ire |
o | as in or | porta, omnis |
u | as in tutor | cum, summus |
Diphthongs |
Speech Element | Pronunciation | Examples |
ae | as a in fate | prae, illae |
oe | as a in fate | coelum, coepi |
au | as ou in out | aut, laudo |
Consonants |
Speech Element | Pronunciation | Examples |
c (before e or i) | as ch in church | certus, cibus |
ch | as in ache | Christus |
g (before e or i) | as in gentle | gens, agit |
g (before other letters) | as in go | gratis, gloria |
gn | ny as in canyon | agnus, ignis |
j (or consonant i) | as y in yes | Jesus, Justus |
s | as s in sing
(never as in raise) |
miser, fides |
sc (before a, o, u or a consonant) | as sc in scope | scutum, Pascha |
sc (before e and i) | as sh in shall | ascéndere, scio |
th | as t in ten | Thomas |
ti (when followed by a vowel and proceeded by any letter except s, t, or x) |
as patsy | bratia, totius |
x (in words beginning ex followed by a vowel, h, or s) | as gs | exaud�r |
x (in all other cases) | as ks | pax, exusáre |