- Joyful Mysteries - Monday and Thursday
- The Annunciation (Humility)
- The Visitation (Charity)
- The Nativity (Poverty)
- The Presentation (Obedience)
- Finding in the Temple (Piety)
- Sorrowful Mysteries - Tuesday and Friday
- Agony in the Garden (Contrition)
- Scourging at the Pillar (Charity)
- Crowning with Thorns (Purity)
- Carrying of the Cross (Patience)
- The Crucifixion (Self-denial)
- Glorious Mysteries - Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday
- The Resurrection (Faith)
- The Ascension (Hope)
- Descent of the Holy Spirit (Love)
- The Assumption (Eternal happiness)
- Crowning of Mary (Devotion to Mary)